Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sometimes far just isn't far enough and sometimes near just isn't near enough. Sometimes you stretch yourself too thin and sometimes there is just too much of you. All of this mubo-jumbo emotional crap is me experiencing every emotion through contact with other people, reading people's status updates, or reading other's blogs. There's just something about the tug of someone else's heart strings that makes your heart just hurt sometimes. This has a fancy name, commonly known as: compassion.

Although not everyone realizes it, most human beings have compassion to a certain capacity. Compassion can be frustrating, a gift, not commonly used, or even encouraging, but I look at the world around me and wonder how much better it would be if it would soften the outside of it a little bit. A little melting (not literally, Al Gore...) might be a good remedy for this hardened outer shell that people seem to thing they are required to possess and put forward for other people to see. If only it would soften a little bit, people would actually see that our world is like this: (^ See picture to above!)

This is often an emotion that I experience that really tells me and shows me that I am growing, that I am molding, that I am merely clay in the potter's hand. It's always encouraging to know that if I reach just a little bit farther, the Lord will kindly be waiting to grab my reaching hand and pull me up to a firm, spacious place that is safe to set my feet upon and rest. God gives rest to the weary and love to the broken-hearted. Sometimes I think of Jesus as this complex mathematical formula and that's when I start searching for answers to questions that normal people don't ask. What is normal, right? How do I compare my faith and my journey to others? I can't. Sometimes I try, and it never works, I never end up with the answers, emotion, or satisfaction that I was looking for in the first place. If I just keep reaching...

<-- Ever feel like this fellow? Like the weight of the world is all on you, like the storm is over your head alone? I know that I often do. I feel like I make more mistakes than any other person. I say one more wrong thing at the wrong time than the next, or I never do something to another's complete satisfaction and totality. Although these emotions are all false, they still exist and they still are real. Trying to convince myself that they aren't legit isn't going to make these emotions go away. But, here's where I find my comfort: Jesus is with me no matter where I go. Jesus alone has a strong enough voices to calm storms. Just because He's with me doesn't mean that I am not going to experience storms, it just means that someone will be with me through it all. That is comforting.

That is where I lay my head to rest each night, and that is how I wake up each morning. Knowing that all I have to do is try my best. God knows what a wretched world this has become, and asks only that I persevere and continue doing the best that I know how; that each morning when I wake up I have to choose whether or not I am going to embrace each day and accept the dance. I get to decide what sort of immortal I wish to be, how I am going to live my life, how I am going to love people, and the decisions which I am going to make. Although I have control over all of this, my life is surrendered. All these choices I make with a companion who gives expert advice and handles day-to-day struggles like a pro.

:) Contentment is the sort of feeling that I get from all of these ideas that were formerly spinning in my head now that they are out there for the world to experience. Good night, sweet, beautiful, world.

Pslam 18!